Monday, January 30, 2012

Craft room

Now that I have not been working and have been looking for a job I have been wondering how fabulous it would be to able to be creative and getting paid for it. I would love that job! Then I found So I have been thinking and praying about it. I have had lots of questions running through my head about this....
Is my stuff good enough to sell? Will people want what I've made? Will I be willing to sell what I've made? What do I charge? When do I make things? How much time do I devote? Where will I work? How much do I invest to get started?
Russ is being very supportive about this endeavor, he thinks my things will sell and that I should try it. He even helped me create a space to work. I didn't really want to work on the dining room table with everything out all the time. So we changed my old bedroom into a temporary craft room. It was a bit of a challenge as you can see. Now I have a workable space of my own. I have done a little bit of work and just need to devote more time working in there.
I apologize the pictures aren't the greatest as I took them off my phone.



So that is my craft room. Now I just need to make things to sell. I am going to be making cards and possibly scrapbook pages. If you have any ideas or anything you want, let me know I could do custom orders if needed.

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