Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I know that I have not written in a very long time. I have been thinking that I don't really have anything to say, after all I don't have kids to show pictures of or update on. But as friend recently reminded me, that doesn't mean I don't have things to share and blog about. I actually have several ideas and things I want to share, but I am saving them for later blogs. My goal is to blog a couple of times a week, so stay tuned :-).
I have in the last week experienced some great friend experiences and I wanted to share with you how they have touched me and impacted me.
Growing up I had a best friend, our birthdays were just 3 days apart, we went to school and church together, and spend a lot of time at each other's houses. Many of my childhood memories that aren't just with my family include this friend. In high school we were still friends though we started to develop our own interests. After high school I went to college and she got married. We lived in opposite corners of the country. This summer we were able to get together for just a few hours, that wasn't nearly long enough. We both enjoyed laughing, remembering and catching up. This past week she was back in town and of course getting together was on the schedule.
We met at 9:30 at Panera for breakfast/coffee and finally left about 1:30. That time went so quickly, we laughed, laughed and laughed some more, we talked about our growing up, school, people we went to school with, and what God is doing in each of our lives. It was a blessing to get together, it always is. It gave me some insight to some of the things going on around when we were in school that at the time I didn't know was going on with others, or that other people had some of the thoughts and feelings I did too. ( Like I wasn't the only one who felt like an outsider- it was a bit mind blowing to me actually.) We completely lost track of time, there was a breakfast crowd when we got there and then we were by ourselves. The next thing we knew was we were surrounded by people again and when we checked the time it was lunch time, and then we sat and talked some more.
What was even better was that we got to continue our conversation next day at lunch. We laughed more and more and shared even more with each other. It was hard to say good-bye, it always is, though there is a plan for later this summer to get together again.
And once again, the conversation will pick up right where if left off, that's one way that you know you have a true friend. There is never a lack of conversation, laughs and it does not matter how long you have been apart. I am so very thankful that God has preserved this friendship and has let it last for the past 32 years, and I am sure that the next 32 will be filled with even more laughs.
The other friendship blessing I want to share about happened yesterday. I have been developing friendship with the ladies at church, especially in my small group. Our pastor's wife and I get together every once in a while for lunch and to talk. I think we are a lot alike in many areas and have been in similiar experiences to share. She crochets, I have watched her and she will do that when we are over at their house to play games. I had asked her if she would be willing to finish the baby blanket that my mom had started but didn't get finished, so we could have it for the future. She said she would be willing to do that. When we got together yesterday she gave me the blanket all wrapped up in a box, and with that she included a letter. The letter was written to me as one that my mom would have wrote. This is something she told me she prayed about before writing. I can tell you first of all yes it made me cry! It was so very special and sweet and it sounded like my mom, because in the letter she included things that I had shared about my mom and I. She would have only been able to put those things in because she listened as I have shared with her.
God has blessed me with two different friendships, equally special and sweet. I am so very thankful that God has brought these two ladies into my life and granted a connection with each one of them that will span time, I know that we will worship God together in Heaven some day. I pray that I may be that kind of friend to others.


  1. Ms Ellen's CornerMay 10, 2012 at 8:39 PM

    This was a great Blog. I love reading it , It brought back a few memories for me , I to have a special Best friend not as many years as you and your friend but we try to get together every chance we can and I know what you are saying when you say you two talk the day away and laugh and know what ever you say between the two of you will always be just between the two of you . Sounds like your Mom was a Wonderful Lady and I bet you are just like her , I remember when I first met you and the Family , I was so very nervous and you and your Husband and Brother made me feel so Welcome and at ease , and I just want to take this opportunity to say Thank You all . and I was bitten once by a dog and I have always had a fear of dogs until I met Ata Wolf , he was so warm and friendly just like his family . I am looking forward to reading more of your blogs if you don't mind . :::::Ellen:::::

    1. I absolutely don't mind. It's nice to know that someone(s) is reading it and checking to see if I have something new to say.
      Your welcome- we were nervous as well, but in the end it has all turned out well.
