Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Trying again

Yesterday afternoon I tried typing out a long update for my blog and just when I had it all typed out I went to go post it and it was gone. So I will try it again.

It has been a long while since I wrote last- just about a month ago. So a quick update.... (or not so quick)
My job is going well, I am done with training until after tax season, then it is another 2 weeks of training. The calls have been going well for the most part. Thankfully we have a great help resource at ext 2012. I have used that quiet a bit and it is nice to have. It was nerve wrecking the first couple of days sitting out on the floor taking real calls from members. I have gotten some really good feedback from my manager, she says that I have a very professional sounding voice on the phone.
Russ's job is also going well. He has a lot of patience. It is a great blessing to have that amount of patience. I do not understand how he does his job, but I know that God has granted him this amount of patience so that he can work with these girls and help them. I know that this patience will also come into practice when we have children of our own (no not an announcement).
With our jobs going well we are beginning the process of looking for our own home. We have actually been looking for quiet a while just to see what is out there as options. We have seen a lot of homes that need a ton of work (which we don't mind) but cost more than they are worth, houses that are overpriced, houses that are not in the best of areas- my brother calls them the ghetto, and homes outside of our price range. So much to our surprise when we went to an open house on Sunday we saw a house that actually has potential. The house has character and is pretty much move in ready- we would want to change some paint and carpet, but no major projects before moving in. There are a few things that we would like to update and improve as time goes on like the bathrooms, kitchen and creating a master suite.
So now we are in the process of praying for wisdom about what God would have us do about this house. We are also looking into getting a mortage and seeing what all that entails. After that point we may proceed with an offer and all. We ask that you pray with us for wisdom. This is a huge purchase and it is a BIT overwhelming when I think of the enormousy of it all. The biggest purchase I have ever made was my car, which we are trying to sell (05 Hyundai Tiburon, 5 speed, 53K miles 7500 OBO- let me know if your interested or know someone who maybe). So I am very thankful to have Russ to walk through this process with. While I am excited to have our own place soon, it is a bit overwhelming. I am excited to see what God has for us and when in His timing it will all come into place. We will keep you posted on what happens.
I guess that pretty much updates everything. I will try to blog more consistently.


  1. awesome on the jobs going great!! :)

    exciting on the house hunting :) Don't be scared of a mortgage..worse case scenario u lose the house,ahahaha..just sayn...its so worth it....a master suite is a must...i don't know why all those waterloo houses have no bathrooms in the bedrooms and no dishwashers in the kitchens..two MUSThaves in my opinion!!!

  2. Will be praying that God will reveal His will to you in regards to the house. It's exciting to think about plans for your house and hoping it won't be long before you can be in your own house taking care of some of those plans!
