Monday, March 21, 2011


I thought I would give a quick update on some of the things I have recently shared about.
We ended up trading Zippy (my car) in for a new Subaru Impreza that we get to pick up Wednesday night. We have had to wait to get a standard, we both wanted a manual transmission, so we waited patiently.
Yesterday we went to another open house at the house we have been praying about and thinking about. I fell more in love with the house this time and thought about how I would decorate and design and such. So now we are even more fervently praying about the house and making an offer. We would appreciate your prayers as well.
My job is continuing to go well. In just a few weeks I go back for some more training.
Russ and I are anticipating working with the youth at our church and praying on how God will use us there.
I think that updates the major points, oh and in case your wondering yes I am still on Kool-aid strike :) for those of you who know what that is :).
My puppy needs to go out and is looking at me like you said just a minute, I'm ready now, so I will go take him out and continue working on the laundry.

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