Friday, November 19, 2010

Going Home Again

Yesterday we came back to Cleveland for a wedding reception for some special friends who got married a little bit after us. When we got off of 80 I had this feeling of being at home. I have come back to the familar, some where that I called home for the last 8 years. I am looking forward to seeing lots of people- I have been thinking about everyone I need to see so that I don't leave anyone out. I am also really looking forward to going to church on Sunday. I have missed Valley View Village Church and the people there.
And while this feels like home that does not mean that I'm moving back- in case you were wondering and/or hoping. My home now is with my husband and we have decided to make Iowa our home.
So the next few days will be very busy seeing lots of people and of course a day of football and I'm sure a couple of late nights playing dutch blitz. I can't wait!!!!!!

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