Friday, December 3, 2010

much needed motivation

I need to start working out, I want to lose some weight and more importantly get in shape. I have great desires and clothes that are waiting for me to be able to wear again, my only problem is a slight lack of motivation. You see over the last couple of years when I have been working out I always had a "reason"- a bridesmaid's dress to look hot in, not to look too fat standing next to my size 0 friends, lookin' smokin' in my own wedding dress. But you see now I do not have any of those motivators, and it is winter so out come the oversized sweaters and sweatshirts- no shorts, swimsuits or tiny clothes.
I need motivation- I have tried motivating myself. I have thought about working out a few times, a thought and a new jillian michaels dvd were as far as that went. I think part of my problem is that I don't really have a routine persay (hopefully that will change with a job.)
Its not that I don't want to work out- yeah it is never really fun and the first couple days are brutal. I am just having a hard time getting started. Maybe once I get started I will continue so that when those spring and summer clothes start coming out I will be ready for them.
I just need that extra push to put my shoes on, push play on the dvd, sweat a bit and being to feel better about myself. I have a goal, I know how much weight I would like to lose, and I know it doesn't come off overnight. But it won't start dropping if I don't start moving.
So maybe this is my plea for that push of motivation....


  1. Do I EVER know this feeling. Good luck!

  2. go walk at young arena...i did that when i lived in town and its really motivating cuz theres tons of others doing laps too!!
