Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Often

I have been trying to decide how often it is appropriate to write. Should I write every day or just when I have something to say???? I have been thinking about this, I know I like it when I check the blogs I follow and see new posts to read, so I think I should write often.
It's just right now I don't have a whole lot to say I guess, not too much exciting going on. In the middle of job searching....no fun no matter how you look at it. I would just like a job. I enjoy staying at home and don't think I will have much problem being a stay-at-home mom. No I am not saying that is going to be happening soon- we are not pregnant! I just enjoy being at home, taking care of things at home and all that entails.
Yesterday I went to the social security office to get my name changed- so now I am officially Mrs. Joyce Pierpont. Sometimes it still hasn't hit me yet, though I am very glad that I am.
Today I am working on some job apps and then it is time to work on our wedding thank you's. I am excited to work on them, so I should probably finish this up so I can get my apps done so I can play :)

1 comment:

  1. still praying about the jobs for you guys...i LOVEEEEEE staying home! :)
