Friday, August 13, 2010

To Do Lists

Invitations are done and in the mail. They turned out much better than I had originally anticipated, however by the time I was done with them I was getting to the point I was hating them. Now that they are in the mail, I really love them again. :) Wedding planning is coming along, I believe we have decided on a caterer. We are getting things done and my calendar is filling up quickly, it seems like I am going to be very busy for the next 36 days. It doesn't help that I am exhausted and trying to get enough rest. So right now I am making lots of to do lists and living by them. I am trying to take one moment at a time and trying to enjoy this time. I am so very thankful for Russ who is helping with things and taking care of me, making sure I take time for myself and getting plenty of sleep. I am blessed to have him in my life.
So tonight he is working, so I am going to take advantage of it and do a little bit of shopping, relaxing and going to bed early. So glad it's the weekend and I can get some extra rest in as well as things done

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