Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Not a Part of the Plan

Last night threw a kink in my plans. I am a planner my nature, sometimes it is a positive and others a negative, but it is what I am. I am a planner. Last night Russ and I went to get some dinner, did a little bit a shopping and then headed over to meet our baker to taste the cake and get that part of the reception all settled. I was excited all day about going to taste cake. As I was getting out of the car I caught the tip of my pointer finger of my left hand in the door, it shut on it. OH MY WORD did it hurt. I cried and had a bit of a melt down in Phill's (cake lady) drive way. She came out of the house to make sure we knew we were at the right place. So I wiped the tears off and we went in the house. Russ asked if we could have some ice to put on my finger. So as we sat there tasting cake- which was incredibly yummy and figuring out all the details I had my finger on ice. It hurt a lot and I could feel the pain going down into my arm and the tip of the middle finger was numb as well. We decided to go ahead and get it checked out at urgent care. Phill let us know there was one down the street. So away we went, we ended up at the ER instead but we got in right away. After getting X-Rays done I learned something new. We have spongy bones in the tips of our fingers and I broke mine. So now I have my finger in a splint, on pain pills and took the day off. This all makes the plans a little interesting, I am not going to be able to do everything myself now and going to need help from others- actually just accepting the help already offered. God has a sense of humor and helped me slow down and enjoy the last 24 days before the wedding.
Tonight is exciting as I have another shower. I am sure others will have fun too, I mean what could be more entertaining but a bride on narcotics with a broken finger trying to open presents. I am still excited anyway and going to enjoy tonight.


  1. Steve sent me the picture of your finger in the splint. Feel better soon! I'll help out where/when I can (ahem...that means whenever I'm not completely frazzled with the kids)!

  2. oh how horrible...thank goodness for narcotics...I'm glad u have so much love and helpers around you :)
