Thursday, November 12, 2015

You should write more....

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately, one in particular. I have been reading my beautiful cousin's blog,, where she wrote for write31days. It was every encouraging and challenging. Take the time to go and read it!
So in the process of reading I have been thinking about writing in my blog again, wondering if I really have that much to share or would anyone even want to read it? I don't create new recipes, but I love to try the ones I find on Pinterest. I enjoy making crafts, not always original ideas. I have 2 beautiful girls but I'm not sure how much of them I really want to plaster all over the internet. Do I have anything worth saying.....
I am the director of our Wednesday children's program at church. Once a month we make a craft, this month since it is November we were going to make turkey with little small pumpkins. I was able to get most of the supplies from our craft room at church, but I needed smaller googly eyes (because everything is better with googly eyes). So my plan, what I wanted to do was go to Hobby Lobby by myself on Tuesday evening. Because frankly it is quiet a challenge taking a 2 and half year old and a 7 month baby there, only one fits in the cart and the other wants to touch EVERYTHING. That and I don't get out by myself very much these days, so to Hobby Lobby by myself. That's not what happened though, By the time the girls were in bed and I could go it was 7:30 and they close at 8:00. I didn't feel like rushing like crazy to get there and then have no time to look. So I decided to just go on Wednesday morning after Bible Study, not the ideal but it would do.
We managed through Hobby Lobby and as I was getting into the car and turning it on I saw Carolyn getting out of hers with her 2 year old in tow. I hopped out of the car fast and commented about taking 2 year olds to Hobby Lobby was so much fun :)
I told her that I had been reading her blog and was meaning to be an encouragement to her. She told me she had read through mine and I should write more. So I am. I am not sure what I am going to share. Hopefully God will lay things on my heart and I can be an encouragement to someone. I am not expecting to have a huge following, but maybe God can use me to touch one person. I pray that as I titled my blog so many many years ago spoonfuls of grace maybe God will use me to be a spoonful of grace in someones life. We all need it, every moment of everyday. So please stay tuned, I promise to try to be faithful in writing.
So this one is to you, by beautiful cousin Carolyn, keep writing! I love you!

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