Thursday, November 19, 2015


I am a to do list kind of girl. I like being able to cross items off my list as they are completed. It's a sense of satisfaction. The problem is when I put too many items on my list. I'm not talking about the everyday items that need to get done, although some days those things can be overwhelming and long it's the extra things I'm talking about.
I like to make and do things. Those are the projects I'm talking about. It seems that I typically have many of them going on at one time. That thought came to a realization just a couple of days ago through two different events.
The first... I had my girls downstairs in the basement playing. We have recently been working down there rearranging and organizing. I have my craft area down there and was working on that. I have this wooden storage cart that we got at a school auction a few years ago. When I got it it didn't look so pretty, so I covered it with khaki colored contact paper with hopes and plans of making designs or something on it. That didn't happen. I have owned this piece for several years now and the contact paper was starting to peel and just frankly getting on my nerves. It wasn't pretty to look at and I was getting tired of it. So while Madelyn was playing with her little people and Lorena was napping I peeled all of that ugly contact paper off. It came of surprisingly easy. I decided I was going to paint it, but it has a couple of sticky spots that need attention and a light sanding done. After I was done with the peeling  I sent a picture to my husband with a comment about how I can't seem to only have one project going at a time. He responded with a smile and a comment like that seems like a personal  problem.  But that got me thinking of all the projects I have going on right now or want to get started right away, the list is quiet long.
The other thing that got me thinking was a conversation I had with Russ the other night (funny how God uses our husbands to shape us and make us think). He asked me if we had our fireplace last Christmas or not and did we hang up the stockings on it. I responded that we did, but we didn't hang the stockings up because we didn't want Madelyn to pull them down. So I then commented that I needed to get started on making our stockings soon. Russell just smiled and shook his head no. He kindly said that I wasn't going to be able to get those done this year since I am busy trying to make felt food for the girls. I half heartedly agreed with him, all the while thinking I can do it, I'll show him.
But all of these things have got me thinking about my list of projects. Here's the list of current on going started projects... a cross stitch baby crib blanket for Lorena, the felt food, the craft table down stairs (no further work has been done) and some pumpkin turkeys that Madelyn and I are going to make together.  Things to be added to the list... stockings, painted Christmas present for a couple of people, scrapbooks that are long overdue and the many cuteams ideas I've seen on pinterest.
I am realizing I am only one person, I can only accomplish so much on a given day, and more importantly there are two beautiful girls and a handsome guy who need and want my attention. I need to not have so many projects going on at a time or stress myself out about getting them all done.
So maybe tonight I can work on the felt food after the girls are asleep and since we are suppose to get a big winter storm tomorrow Madelyn and I will work on her project of turkeys.

1 comment:

  1. It's better to learn now that you are not SuperMom then when your babies aren't babies anymore. I think that maybe we look back at our childhoods and think our moms may have done it all - but they didn't - our mamas always look perfect in hindsight - but that's who we compare ourselves to. We were kids then - and didn't have the full picture - and now that we are grown we have to realize that we can't do it all. At least not at once. :) Honoring your husband in this is a wise idea. Make a list of your top three. File the rest of the stuff away and enjoy this God-given time. Love you!
