Monday, June 20, 2011


I got the job! I got the job!

This is such an answer to prayer. In order to put an offer on the house that we want I needed a full time job- not a temporary/contract job. Banks will not consider temporary income when considering income for mortgages, which makes complete since. Now that I have a full time position- officially starting on July 11, we just need Russ to also get a full time position then we can maybe buy a house.
The good news is that the house that we want is still on the market and has dropped in price. I know that if that is the house God has for us then it will still be on the market when we are ready for it and at a price we can afford.
My husband being the sweet loving man that he is got me a fantastic congratulations gift. Russ bought me a cricut!!!! I have wanted a cricut for a very long time. This paper cutting machine will be extremely usable for the crafting when it comes to scrapbooking and card making. I just wish I had all my supplies and time to play and use it. I got to play a little bit this weekend.
Now I have this dream of a craft room that will be in the house we hopefully can get.
Thank you Russ, for doing research and finding an excellent deal and giving me this special gift that I will enjoy for many years. I love you!

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