Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday's TV

I do enjoy my Thursday TV viewing schedule. I watch Big Bang Theory on CBS at 7:00pm. I am not exactly sure exactly why but that program makes me laugh and I sooooo enjoy watching and laughing at it. We quote from the program all the time.... "It WAS you...."it makes me laugh. Then at 8:00 I switch it over to the History channel to watch Swamp People. It is a program about the alligator hunting season down south in the bayou. It is rather interesting, you should check it out- it's addicting really.


  1. ok i'll check out the alligator one :) Two summers ago we went to reptile world in south dakota and I really enjoyed the alligator wrestling!

  2. Yeah, I saw it for the first time last year when hanging out in the hotel eating pizza with my future in-laws waiting for Russ to get off of work. We joked about it at the time about how weird it was, but I ended up getting hooked. I enjoy me some swamp people!
