Wednesday, April 20, 2011

sinus infection

I really hate being sick. Sinus infections are horrible. I decided that I would like to cut my nose off, maybe I will feel better then. I have antibiotics which I think are beginning to help. The doctor was real assuring letting me know that I will feel start to feel better in about 10 days- woohoo!!! I can't wait. I want to feel better now and not have to wait that long. My nose is sore from blowing it, my sinus' are full and sore, my ears are sore, and just about every sinus cavity in my body, as well as my lungs and those muscles from coughing and coughing to bring the crap up. (I know that is gross and a little TMI- but I am sick and at this point I don't really care.) I just want to feel better, I would like to be able to go to sleep tonight and not wake up in a hour coughing and then a couple of more times through the night. I would like to wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to face the day. I would like to feel better, so that I can have a much better outlook on life and the tears will not come so easily. I do not want to feel crappy or icky anymore, I just want to feel better. I know that I am not facing a life threatening disease and that shortly in a few days I will feel better and go on living, so I am not thinking that I am worse off or woe is me. I just want to feel better, I am whining and I admit it, I just want to feel better.

1 comment:

  1. boooo...saying a prayer of health for you...i know exactly how u miserbale u just cry but then u cry cuz it hurts to cry!!hang in there!!
