Sunday, October 2, 2011

Still alive

I know that I haven't posted in a long time, basically it's because that not everything in life is blog worthy or should be.
There isn't a ton new in our lives. I am still working at the same place. Russ just got a job and starts next week. So we have started the house hunt again. We are both ready to find a house of our own.
We celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary. It doesn't seem possible that it has been a year. We got to celebrate in Chicago with our good friends Steve and Amy and their girls. It was a good weekend of catching up and spending time together.
At that time Amy got me addicted to pinterest. I am glad. I have made a few things from ideas I have gotten on there. I need to take pictures and actually. I have made several scarves from t-shirts, a wreath and a small cake plate. I am enjoying collecting ideas and recipes to try. So know it's finding the time and resources to try recipes and crafts. It has really gotten my creative juices flowing and I am enjoying that "ability" that God gave me.
I know this isn't a huge or deep post. Maybe more will come later. But I am not completely silent in blogger world any more.

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