Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Morning

This is the last weekend of "vacation." I get to start work on Monday. I am looking forward to it actually, while it would be nice to be a stay at home wife, I'd rather work now so when the day comes (not yet) I can stay home with my babies. To celebrate my new job I am going to buy a new lunch bag- you know like you do at the beginning of the school year. I can't tell you when the last time I actually had a lunch box. I used a gift bag for a long time so I think it is needed.

I have been working out. Today is my day off- basically because I would have to get up way too early to have alone time with the tv. I absolutely hate having people watch me work out. So one day off isn't going to hurt me. I am beginning to see a small difference. I will continue to workout and get in shape.

I am excited for this evening. Russ is taking me out on a date. It has been a very long time since we have gone on a date. I am not sure where we are going to eat or what we are going to do. But I am sure we are going to have a good time.

I am still working on Ruben's Christmas tree skirt and plan to work on it today. I am ready to be done with it and start a new project. Soon, hopefully soon.

I have trained my dog Attawolf in a way I am not sure was a good thing. Whenever I take him out to pee or poop when he comes in I give him a treat. Most of his treats are in an old cheese ball tub (the really big one from Sam's) and the tub sits on the floor in the dining room. Yesterday afternoon I took him outside and he didn't do anything except sniff around for squirrels and rabbits. It was very cold so we came in. He went right to his treat tub and sat there looking at it and then me. I preceeded to tell him that he didn't do anything out there why should he get a treat. However you cannot reason with a dog so I ended up giving him a treat. But I have trained him- outside and come in you get a treat. I guess it's not too bad if he actually takes care of business. I do love my puppy and I'll keep him anyways.

Time for coffee and cinnamon rolls.....

1 comment:

  1. our puppy doesnt like treats...weirdo...we tried giving her a lil bacon treat and she kicked her legs at it as if to bury the poop...hard to train when u can't give treats,lol
