Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I am not one for setting resolutions at the beginning of the year. Resolutions don't usually make it past a couple of weeks, if that long. So as I was thinking about the upcoming year I thought I would set some goals I would like to achieve by this time next year. In thinking about these goals there are some immediate type goals and some that are long range. So here it is......
  1. Get in shape and lose 30 pounds. Now I know that this is a typical new years resolution and from all the diet plan commericals most people choose this and it doesn't last long. I started working out this morning and my body is already sore, but in a great way. Yes, I want to lose some weight, but more importantly I want to be in shape, I want to be healthy.
  2. Buy our first home. We are in the process of getting ready to start this. Now that we have jobs and have pay checks coming in we will be able to get a mortage. Funny how the bank won't give you money to buy a house without a steady income to pay for it. We have looked a little bit and will continue to look. Praying that at the right time God will bring the right house to us at a price we can afford.
  3. Encourage my creative side. I found this really cool magazine at the library last week. I think it was called Craft 'N Things. I brought a few home and got some really good ideas of things I want to create. So I want to do at least one craft project a month. I already now what I am going to be doing in January. ( Right now I am finishing an embroidered Christmas tree skirt for Ruben- it was something Mom had gotten for Ruben and so I am completing it and have enjoyed it. I will try to post a couple of pictures when it is done.) But my idea for January is some valentine's decoration. I will try to post pictures of that too.
  4. Cook more- okay it's not that I don't make dinner every night cuz I do. I enjoy cooking and feeding my family, both meals and baking sweets. This goal is more in trying new recipes. I would like to try a new recipe once every two weeks or ideally every week. I have some tried and true favorites, but would love to find some more that will fit that catergory.
  5. Read more. I thoroughly enjoy going to the library and getting books to read. I usually find and check out too many than I can read in 2 weeks. Either that or I need to find more time to read.
  6. Blog more. It's been a while since my last post- enough said.

That's all I can think of at the moment, it seems like a long enough list for now. I just hope that my readers- like all 2 of you, check up on me and see if I am achieving my goals. I am looking forward to this coming new year and all that God has planned for me.

Friday, December 3, 2010

much needed motivation

I need to start working out, I want to lose some weight and more importantly get in shape. I have great desires and clothes that are waiting for me to be able to wear again, my only problem is a slight lack of motivation. You see over the last couple of years when I have been working out I always had a "reason"- a bridesmaid's dress to look hot in, not to look too fat standing next to my size 0 friends, lookin' smokin' in my own wedding dress. But you see now I do not have any of those motivators, and it is winter so out come the oversized sweaters and sweatshirts- no shorts, swimsuits or tiny clothes.
I need motivation- I have tried motivating myself. I have thought about working out a few times, a thought and a new jillian michaels dvd were as far as that went. I think part of my problem is that I don't really have a routine persay (hopefully that will change with a job.)
Its not that I don't want to work out- yeah it is never really fun and the first couple days are brutal. I am just having a hard time getting started. Maybe once I get started I will continue so that when those spring and summer clothes start coming out I will be ready for them.
I just need that extra push to put my shoes on, push play on the dvd, sweat a bit and being to feel better about myself. I have a goal, I know how much weight I would like to lose, and I know it doesn't come off overnight. But it won't start dropping if I don't start moving.
So maybe this is my plea for that push of motivation....