Saturday, September 8, 2012


It has been a while since I have blogged. I haven't forgotten that I have had a blog I just haven't taken the time to blog and trying to decide exactly what I wanted to say. 
Things have changed since the last time I posted about the new job God provided. Changes that will be forever and are exciting and great.

Memorial Day weekend of 2012 will forever be a huge weekend in the history of our marriage....

Friday night, we confirmed what I was thinking and feeling. I was pregnant! God had blessed us with a new life growing inside of me. Our baby is due on January 21, 2013. We do  not know what we are having and are planning on being surprised. I have been healthy so far and praise God haven't suffered from morning sickness. My belly is beginning to pop :). We had our ultrasound 2 weeks ago and it made it seem even more real. The baby is healthy and growing as he/she should be. The baby is very active, he/she kept kicking and punching during the ultrasound and wouldn't be still for the tech. I don't feel the baby kicking very much with where he/she is laying inside but my midwife said that as the baby grows I will begin to feel it more. After seeing the baby move I came to realize what I thought was just the feeling of stretching and growing muscles and such is really the baby kicking. There are of few times the baby gets my diaphragm and I know it. 
We are so looking forward to God growing our family with this new little one. ( I can't get the picture from the ultrasound to upload.)

That was Friday, as I mentioned the weekend was huge. On Monday we talked to our Realtor about a house we wanted to see. He had been on vacation so we were waiting for him to get back so we could go look at the house. We scheduled to see the house early Monday afternoon. We found out that our Realtor showed the same house to another couple that morning who put an offer in. So we would have to decide quickly if we wanted the house. After looking at it, talking about it we put in an offer in later that afternoon. It was an exciting, nerve wrecking moment  not knowing if we would get the house especially with another offer. We waited till Tuesday afternoon till we heard. They accepted our offer. We BOUGHT a house, a place of our own! 

We closed in July and moved in, complete with a trip to Cleveland to finally empty out our storage unit that we had for almost 2 years. It has been like Christmas opening totes and boxes. We have found wedding presents that we are just now getting to use and its fun. 
We are unpacking, settling in and enjoying it.

God has been blessing us richly lately and I just wanted to share a small portion of the blessings received.