Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Job

I started a new job at the beginning of May. I had been looking since November, really before I quit at Cuna, and couldn't seem to find anyone who wanted me. Who afterall reads the resume's, applications and those questionaire you have to fill out. I think maybe someday I would like that job- it seems fairly easy to send the form letter that says we went with another candidate to people who are probably more qualified and will stick around longer than a few weeks.
So I would like to tell you the story of how I got my job. I had recently had an interview with a real estate company for an afternoon receptionist position and was waiting to hear back from them- as of today I still haven't heard back. Our pastor had a game night at his house for some of us younger people in the church. I was talking with Pastor Jon and he asked me about the interview and the other lady in the conversation asked if I was looking for a job. She let me know that her company was looking for a receptionist and I should apply. The next morning, Saturday, I sent her my resume and cover letter. By Monday afternoon I had an interview with the temp agency that they work with. The lady at the temp agency said that if this position didn't work out for some reason she had some other possibilities for me. I interviewed with the original company and did not end up with the position. I have to say that this was very difficult for me as this was the first face-to-face interview I had that I wasn't offered the position, the real estate position not included having not heard back yet. It humbled me and made me realize that I could not place my confidence in me and my ability to interview, but that it needed to be and must be in God alone.
I waited for a couple of weeks to hear back from the temp agency with other options. I tried to wait patiently, it wasn't always easy. I had one option that I turned down because it conflicted with my Tuesday night small group Bible study and I wasn't going to give that up.
Then on a Thursday morning the temp agency called and asked if I would be interested in a legal assistant position at a local law firm and ended up with an interview that afternoon. I went into that interview with more of sense of God being in control. I was interviewing with the attorney and she was descriping the position and the details. She started with the person will do this and that, half way through she started say you would to this and that. She asked me what my availability to start was and she said she'd see me on Monday. I walked out of the interview with the job, it was such a blessing not having to wait to hear back.
Monday was the first day of my new adventure as a legal assistant. This is something completely new to me and not quiet sure what was ahead of me. I work with the attorney that does the out of state forclosures- meaning not Iowa. I can't go into much detail due to confidentiality reasons.
I am enjoying my job. Everything I do is top priority and some things are an even more of a top priority. The day is very busy, before I know it its lunch time and then its time to go home. The day goes very quickly and is very busy. So unlike my last job where I counted down the hours of the day- seriously.
I am beginning to learn more and more of the foreclosure process. I am feeling confident in what I am doing and feel like I am getting the hang of what I am suppose to do and when and how. The attorney I am working has shared with me that she feels like I am getting the hang of things and I am doing a good job. One of the other attorneys shared with me at lunch that my attorney told the other attorneys at their retreat that she has high hopes for me and that I am already doing a great job.
It is very nice to feel appreciated.
God has provided me a good job, that pays well, that I am enjoying doing, has a 5 minute commute (as opposed to the 45 minute one before, that included a car killing deer at the end), and the chance to learn something new and use the God- given abilities I have.
It is neat to think that it all started with a fun game night at my pastor's house and how God used that to provide me with my job.