Wednesday, November 9, 2011

God's timing

God's timing is not our own, He works on His schedule. He is never late, never early or have a missed appointment. He is always on time!

The Lord is teaching me about trust, self-reliance, and His timing right now. After much prayer and wise counsel I have decided to resign from my current job. My last day is Friday, and right now that seems like forever away. I had decided that working in a call center just was not best fit for me. Russ has recently started a new job, which allows me to resign and take the time to look for a new job that fits better. That's where what God is teaching me is coming into play. I am learning again to trust God to provide and not to be reliant only on myself. The only time I have ever quit a job without a new one to go to was when we moved from Ohio to Iowa. This is something new for me. Even after I turned in my 2 week notice I doubted my design, not because I didn't feel it was the right choice for us right now, but more because of the unknowns I will be stepping into. I know that in God's timing He will provide the right job for me at the right place. I have to do my part in applying and getting my name out there, and trust in His timing. I also have to practice relying on my husband to provide for me. This is a first for me, I have not that sort of provision or support since high school, in a way it is difficult. I don't know if that makes any sense. I am glad my husband is working and wants to support me, it's just taking my hands off and letting him- it comes down to a control issue. I know that God is using this time to shape and grow me.

God has provided some new friends into our lives. We have started going to a new church. We are involved with a small group of people who have become sweet friends. I know that God has brought this specific group of people for specific reasons. It has thrilled my heart to meet sweet Christian friends there who have brought much need sweet fellowship, encouragement and spurring onto growth. I am glad God brought us to Grace Brethren and I am excited in how God is going to use us there.

"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope."
Psalm 130:5