Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Small Break

I am taking a brief break from my blog for a couple of reasons. 1. It's just a couple of days until I become Mrs. Joyce Pierpont 2. I will be enjoying my honeymoon.
So therefore, I shall return to blogging after the honeymoon.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Last Times vs. Firsts

The wedding plans are coming along, not too much left to do (or at least I want to think that) before the big day- 15 days from now. So much has been done in the last 2 weeks and lot to finish up this weekend.
I had another last night, I met one last time for dinner with Elaine. Elaine and I used to teach together back at Cedar Hill and would eat lunch together every day. After I was not teaching any more we would get together every couple of months for dinner at Applebees to get all caught up. I realized tonight that it was the last time for this to happen- it would be a long trip for dinner from Iowa. I had a moment of sadness at it being the last time. I then realized that while I have been having a few last times, there are a lot more first times things coming up that are very exciting. So I have decided to try not to be too nostalgic about these things and enjoy each moment that God brings me.